Scottish Borders

The Scottish Borders are in the south east of scotland bordering Northumberland in England

Diver and cave roof
Yellow tip Nudibranch on kelp with sunburst
Diver with Lions Mane Jellyfish
Diver looking at jellyfish close up
Diver and sunstar starfish
Velvet Crab close up
Translucent jellyfish with surface
Wolfish with sunburst to right
Wolfish right profile
Pair of Wolf Fish
Plumose Anemones with dark background
Diver collecting specimens, St Kilda
Diver silhouette and sea urchin
Diver looking at Dublin Bay prawn, St Abb's
Diver with Dead Men's fingers foreground
Diver looking at wall
Divers swimming on surface
Diver portrait with Dead man's fingers
Diver under pier
Diver under fishing boat
Diver taking close look at wall
Divers swimming shallow in UK channel
Diver silhouetted
Diver silhouette in kelp